Collaboration With Respect Me Scotland In The ‘Choose Respect’ National Anti-Bullying Campaign
We are proud to help create a positive school climate in many schools in Scotland and other countries in Europe to prevent and reduce prejudice- based bullying, with the use of engaging e-tools for children (e.g. videogame) and teachers (online training).

The Playground Heroes' learning resources have been adapted by Dr. Leyla De Amicis and Dr. Maria Sapouna in collaboration with Mrs. Katie Ferguson to be used by Respectme, the national anti-bullying service in Scotland, in their current 'Choose Respect' Campaign. Our adapted learning resources, together with other activities created by the University of Strathclyde focused on Brexit, are at the core of the 'Building Empathy' phase, launched on 6th April 2019.

You can find this material at the following link, if interested: no longer available