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Programma 22 september 2022

Dit symposium vond plaats op 22 en 23 september 2022
This symposium took place on 22 and 23 September 2022

Data protection as the law of everything - a good idea?

In verband met de voertaal van het symposium, wordt het programma enkel in het Engels aangeboden.

12.00 - 13.00 Welcome with lunch
13.00 - 13.15 Opening by Member(s) of the Board of Directors Open University
- College van bestuur
13.15 - 13.45 The data protection authority as an enforcer of human rights in the digital sphere?
- Mr. Aleid Wolfsen, Chair of the Dutch Data Protection Authority / (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
13.45 - 15.00 Panel discussion on whether indeed data protection has become the ‘law of everything’ and whether this should or shouldn’t merit scrutiny.
Topics of discussion:
  • Former A-G Bobek’s thought experiment in X,Z / Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
  • When –if at all- should we stop applying data protection law if there is always a digital device somewhere in the chain? Doesn't everyone become a data controller in this way? Should the exceptions to application of data protection law be applied more extensively?
  • What is/should be the role of the supervisory authorities? Have they become an enforcer of human rights in the digital sphere?
  • In order to master data protection law, does one perhaps also need to slowly become/be a generalist, rather than a data protection specialist?
- Dr. Michal Bobek, Former A-G at the CJEU, currently Judge in the Supreme Administrative Court of Czech Republic
- Prof. Gerrit-Jan Zwenne, Universiteit Leiden
- Prof. Nadya Purtova, Universiteit Utrecht
- Prof. Frederik Zuiderveen-Borgesius, Radboud Universiteit
- Mr. Friederike van der Jagt, Open Universiteit
- Dr. Quirine Eijkman, Vice-Chair and of the College for Human Rights and Professor of Access to Justice at the Research centre for Social Innovation at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- Chair: Prof. Anna Berlee, Open Universiteit
15.00 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 17.00 Inaugural address 'Openbare persoonsgegevens' (In Dutch)