Dr. Rastislav Rosinský

Assoc. Prof. Rastislav Rosinský, PhD. studied Pre-Primary and Elementary Pedagogy, is active in the field and achieved a title 'docent'. In his research studies, he focuses on the issues of children from socially excluded communities, particularly Roma, and their problems related to education. He was an investigator in several international projects focused on teacher training and curriculum design as an expert (Project 101298-CP-1-2002-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1PP: Curriculum guidelines for access programmes into higher education for underrepresented adult learners. (CHAGAL); Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP COMENIUS - Teacher In Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom)), and national projects of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic funded by the EU focused on inclusion of pupils (Vzdelávaním pedagogických zamestnancov k inklúzii marginalizovaných rómskych komunít [Through Pedagogic Staff Training to Inclusion of Marginalized Roma Communities] (2011-2015); Inkluzívny model vzdelávania na predprimárnom stupni školskej sústavy [Inclusive Model of Education at Pre-Primary Level of School System] (2013-2015), or PRINED-PRojekt INkluzívnej EDukácie [PRINED – PRoject of INclusive EDucation] (2014-2015)). He is a member of several committees and working groups focused on the Roma issue. In the present, he is a dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care. He is an author and co-author of tens of publications and studies.