What needs to be done to make the smart city safe for citizens?
With this workshop, we want to contribute to 'making the smart city safe for citizens'. 'Safe', here, is meant in a political, legal, technological and emancipatory sense.
  • From a political science perspective, we ask: How can cities influence the technological developments of the smart city to ensure that it contributes to the common good? Some smart cities like Barcelona have begun to reclaim ownership over their data and over their technologies, and work towards the ideal of data sovereignty.
  • From a legal perspective, we ask: Who owns the data and who is liable in case of damage? Here, we will assess instruments for consumer protection and legal liability in case of damage, and investigate the promise of smart contracts.
  • From a computer science perspective, we ask: In the case of cyberattacks, can alI services in the city react in a way that will keep the citizens safe? How can arti­ficial intelligence self-organize to detect and fi­ght dangerous anomalies in the data flows of the smart city? We will assess smart contracts based on blockchain technology to check if they can offer secure usage of constantly self-optimizing services.
  • Finally, we want to explore if and how the smart city can contribute to emancipatory goals and to a more vibrant urban democracy.