Act Against Bullying: Discover The Hero Inside You!
The Act Against Bullying: Discover the Hero Inside You event took place in Glasgow on 3rd November 2018 and it was planned and implemented by Dr Leyla De Amicis, in collaboration with Respect Me Scotland, CRER (Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights) and CWIN (Central and West Integration Network). The event was supported by around 25 volunteer students from the University of the West of Scotland.

At this event children and parents were invited to find out how children in Scotland and other countries support and defend their peers when they are teased or hit by others because of prejudice or other reasons. The public could learn what the University of West of Scotland and partner Universities working on the international GATE BULL project have discovered about young people’s views and strategies for defending peers when excluded or gossiped about. Check out the photos of the event.

What makes a positive active bystander?

Attendants immersed themselves in arts and crafts and drama activities aimed at 10-16 year old children, parents and younger siblings (supervised by adults) to learn what can make a positive active bystander. Young people were invited to draw or tell researchers and other children about positive intervention during bullying episodes that you remember from movies/books (Harry Potter). Before leaving the venue, the public collected their hero medal to remind them to act against bullying in the future!


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