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Programme Thursday 22 september

Data protection as the law of everything - a good idea?

12.00 - 13.00 Welcome with lunch
13.00 - 13.15 Opening by Member(s) of the Board of Directors Open Universiteit
- College van bestuur
13.15 - 13.45 The data protection authority as an enforcer of human rights in the digital sphere?
- Mr. Aleid Wolfsen, Chair of the Dutch Data Protection Authority / (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
13.45 - 15.00 Panel discussion on whether indeed data protection has become the 'law of everything' and whether this should or shouldn’t merit scrutiny.
Topics of discussion:
  • Former A-G Bobek’s thought experiment in X,Z / Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
  • When –if at all- should we stop applying data protection law if there is always a digital device somewhere in the chain? Doesn't everyone become a data controller in this way? Should the exceptions to application of data protection law be applied more extensively?
  • What is/should be the role of the supervisory authorities? Have they become an enforcer of human rights in the digital sphere?
  • In order to master data protection law, does one perhaps also need to slowly become/be a generalist, rather than a data protection specialist?
- Dr. Michal Bobek, Former A-G at the CJEU, currently Judge in the Supreme Administrative Court of Czech Republic
- Prof. Gerrit-Jan Zwenne, Universiteit Leiden
- Prof. Nadya Purtova, Universiteit Utrecht
- Prof. Frederik Zuiderveen-Borgesius, Radboud Universiteit
- Mr. Friederike van der Jagt, Open Universiteit
- Dr. Quirine Eijkman, Vice-Chair and of the College for Human Rights and Professor of Access to Justice at the Research centre for Social Innovation at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- Chair: Prof. Anna Berlee, Open Universiteit
15.00 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 17.00 Inaugural address 'Openbare persoonsgegevens' (In Dutch)