


Wednesday November 6th
Venue: Pretoria Building, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, The Netherlands

The Finance Research Day will be organized on Wednesday. The aim of this event is to allow PhD researchers to present their work and receive feedback from senior faculty. As such, we aim to bring together scholars from universities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and provide them with excellent opportunities to share their research passion and ideas, and connect to other researchers. The Finance Research Day is free of charge for all participants. For more information please contact Dennis Bams - and Kristof Struyfs.

On Wednesday we will organize several formative PhD workshops with the aim of helping PhD candidates in their progress. These parallel workshops will cover issues such as academic publishing, PhD planning, research ethics and open science as well as broad prosperity and sustainable development goals in research. Finally, we will host a session in which PhD students can pitch their research and receive feedback from their peers. Participation in these workshops is also free of charge.

Thursday November 7th
Venue: Pretoria Building, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, The Netherlands

Thursday is the main conference day in which we will plan three keynote addresses and participants can present their research in parallel sessions. We welcome empirical, conceptual, and methodological abstracts that contribute to our understanding of innovations and learning for resilience from various angles. We will organize both competitive and regular sessions. During competitive sessions, presenters are allocated 20 minutes plus discussion time. All presenters are expected to act as discussant of at least one full paper submitted to the conference. Regular sessions will feature shorter presentations of early-stage research projects and only a short Q&A afterwards. We have three confirmed keynote speakers that will discuss issues related to collaboration as a key process in academic research advancement and an effective way of dealing with some of the most important societal challenges of our time.

Keynote speakers:

  • Katrien Verleye (Ghent University - CSI-UGent - the Center for Service Intelligence at Ghent University) with the keynote adress 'Service Innovation for a Circular Future: A Matter of Collaboration?'
  • Albert J. Menkveld (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) with the keynote address 'Non-standard errors'
  • Sandra Schruijer (Utrecht University) with the keynote address 'No boundaries, no collaboration: Paradoxes in working together'

Friday November 8th: Seeking Sustainable Solutions
Brightlands Smart Service Campus, Heerlen, The Netherlands

On Friday, the conference activities will be devoted to Seeking Sustainable Solutions. During this day we will explore how sustainable transitions can be enabled through business-society interfaces from a multidisciplinary perspective. Situated in the Brightlands Smart Service Campus (Heerlen, Netherlands), we will discuss the development of regional collaborative solutions to sustainability challenges. We will also reflect on the role of education and learning communities in these processes.

This event is open to all with the support of the Dutch Research Council and the Open Universiteit,  although the main target audience will be current students and alumni of the university. 
Participation is free of charge, but registration is necessary.


9.00-10.00 Registration & Cofee
10.00-10.15 Welcome: Seeking Sustainable Solutions
10.15-11.00 Paolo Savaget, Oxford University: How the Worlds's Scrappiest Organizations Tackle Complex Problems
11.00-12.30 Panel: Seeking Sustainable Solutions
With among others
  • prof. Karen Maas: Materiality, reporting and greenwashing
  • prof. Sonja Kruisinga: Changing EU regulatory landscape
12.30-13.00 Interactive Discussion: Seeking Sustainable Solutions
13.00-14.00 Lunch

Deep Dives

  1. Learning communities & seeking sustainable solutions
  2. Technologically driven sustainability solutions
  3. Materiality and reporting
15.30-17.00  Networking Reception