What has the Graduate School to offer?

What has the Graduate School to offer?

These are the services and facilities that OUGS offers its members:

  • Individual support when writing a research proposal.
  • Access to the digital library services.
  • Acces to the PhD network of OUGS, the online PhD community and other relevant PhD's networks.
  • Participation in general OUGS-activities (such as the OUGS-day for PhD's).
  • Free access to the basic courses OUGS organizes for PhD's (such as academic writing, academic presenting).
  • A limited personal budget for individual schooling (provided there is an approved educational plan and an approval of the supervisor and the faculty).
  • Support in making poster presentations for scientific conferences by providing access to formats for this kind of presentations.
  • A contribution to the printing costs of the PhD thesis and the reception after the thesis defense according to the regulations of the Doctorate Board.


The membership is 250 euro / year (1-1-2023). For internal PhD's the faculty where the PhD is employed pays the membership fee. 

Actueel: Lecture carrousel Research methodologies

In januari 2022 the Graduate School started the lecture carrousel on 'Research methodologies'. Each session focuses on one subject (method). During the session senior OU researchers share their specific know how on a certain research methodology with the OU PhD's. This specific know how is clustered so a methodology is approached from several points of view (faculties). This way the PhD's get to know about a divers palet of research methodologies and points of view.


Each methodology is discussed in an interactive masterclass. The sessions are recorded and can be watched throught the OU Graduate School portal. 
There have been masterclasses on:

  • Introduction in research methodologies
  • Systematic Literature Review
  • Questionnaire development and validation
  • Qualitative research Observation in practice
  • Experience sampling and MLA