


European research collaboration on 'Innovations in Climate Governance' (INOGOV COST Action)

Prof. Dave Huitema, Open University of the Netherlands, is a co-chair of the Action “Innovations in Climate Governance”, funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology), running from 2014-2018.


  1. Identifies ways in which innovative forms of policy and governance for climate change have been stimulated and diffused across time, space and different modes and levels of governing
  2. Builds a stronger evaluation capacity to assess their actual and intended effects and impacts
  3. Shares usable knowledge with network participants to reach a fuller appreciation of what it means to govern climate change more innovatively

It draws together scholars and practitioners within and outside Europe who focus on particular aspects of policy and governance innovation, namely their: ‘sources’; ‘diffusion’; and ‘effects’. By using the full suite of COST networking instruments to explore the inter-relationships between these topics, it is extracting greater value from previous research investments.

There are currently 28 countries signed up to the INOGOV Action, and the INOGOV mailing list currently has around 800 members.

Official site within COST


In 2018, the Open University will lead the following INOGOV activities:

  • Massive Open Online course ‘Governing climate change: polycentricity in action’ (in English), open to the public, to start in March 2018
  • International Spring School ‘Governing climate change: polycentricity in action’, 5-8 March 2018 in Heerlen (for 25 selected PhD students from all across Europe)

Earth System Governance and Resilience Alliance

OU researchers working on climate change publish in a wide range of journals, including Ecology and Society, Environmental and Planning C, Global Environmental Change, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Security Dialogue, Geoforum and others. They actively engage with discussions in the Earth System Governance network and the Resilience Alliance.