null The Executive Board

The Executive Board
The Executive Board is charged with the management and administration of the Open Universiteit. The duties of the Executive Board include: establishing the Institutional Plan and the Performance Agreements, establishing the budget and the financial statements, establishing the education and examination regulations and establishing the management and administrative regulations. More generally, the Executive Board establishes the frameworks within which the organisational units of the Open Universiteit work.

Composition of the Executive Board

Since 1 September 2023 the Executive Board consists of:

  • The Executive Chairman dr. Nicole Ummelen
  • The Rector magnificus prof. dr. Theo Bastiaens

CV of Nicole Ummelen

Dr. Nicole Ummelen (1968) studied Communication and Information Sciences at Tilburg University. In 1997, she obtained her PhD from the University of Twente on procedural and declarative information in software manuals. She was subsequently an associate professor at TU Delft and at Tilburg University (Technical Communication, Business Communication and Digital Media). Since 2002, she has been active in various administrative and managerial positions at several universities, including that of vice dean of education at Tilburg University, head of Student and Teacher Facilities at TU Delft, director of Academic Affairs at the University of Amsterdam and secretary of the university at Eindhoven University of Technology. From January 2019 till September 2023, she was vice president in the TU/e Executive Board.

CV of Theo Bastiaens

Prof. dr. Theo J. Bastiaens (1968) studied Educational Science at Utrecht University and received his doctorate degree from University of Twente. As an assistant professor he went in 1998 from Twente to the Open University of the Netherlands, where he became associate professor in 2002 and was appointed professor of Educational Technology in 2006. In the same year the FernUniversität in Hagen appointed Bastiaens as professor Mediendidaktik. His specific research interest is in instructional design and e-learning. He has published extensively in this area.

At the FernUniversität Bastiaens was from 2006 to 2010 director of the Institute of Educational Science and Media Research and from 2010 to 2012 dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science. From March 2016 till December 2018, as the vice-president for digitalization and international affairs, Bastiaens was a member of the Executive Board of the FernUniversität in Hagen.

Bastiaens has various ancillary activities like being president of the Supervisory Board of the European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), editor in chief of the scientific journal Open Education Studies and a member of the board of directors of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. He is also chairman of the executive committee of the international conference Ed-Media and executive committee member of the Innovate Learning Summit.

Contact details of the Executive Board

telephone: +31 (0)45 576 24 16