null Symposium: 'The EU Culturally Corrected Market Economy' on February 4, 2022

Symposium: 'The EU Culturally Corrected Market Economy' on February 4, 2022
What fresh legal insights can we take from the way culture and the market economy are intertwined? And does the EU take cultural policy concerns sufficiently into account when devising economic policy? These questions will be the main focus of the online symposium 'The EU Culturally Corrected Market Economy' that will take place on 4 February 2022. The symposium will be followed by the inauguration of Professor Sarah Schoenmaekers, Endowed Professor of European law at the Open Universiteit.

Interaction culture, language and economy

The interaction between culture, language and the economy is fascinating, especially in times of globalization and standardization. Many questions are raised about the extent to which there is room for national and regional cultural and linguistic policies within the internal market, as an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured.

Academics and experts from European institutions

The symposium focuses on the interdependencies but also conflict and discord between culture and the internal market as distinct EU policy fields. It promises to be a highly interesting day as this topical theme will be highlighted from different perspectives and various topics will be addressed such as cultural diversity, minority languages, the digital single market and the division of competences between the national and the European level. Speakers include not only distinguished academics from various European universities but also leading experts from the European Institutions (Commission and Parliament).


The symposium will take place from 09.45 hours until 15.00 hours and will be held in English. It is relevant for academics, lawyers and policy makers. Professor Schoenmaekers will deliver her inauguration speech afterwards. You can join the online symposium via Bluejeans.


09.45 - 09.55 Word of Welcome by Prof. dr. Ronald Janse, Dean Faculty of Law, Open Universiteit  and Opening by Prof. dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers, Endowed Professor of European Law, Open Universiteit; Associate Professor, Maastricht University
09.55 - 10.35 Keynote Speech by Prof. dr. Bruno de Witte, Professor of European Union Law, Maastricht University; Professor of European Law, European University Institute Florence
'Legal creativity for Creative Europe - the development of the EU's role in cultural policy'
10.35 - 10.55 Reflections and questions
Moderator: Prof. dr. Jan Willem Sap, Professor of European Law, Open Universiteit; Associate Professor of EU Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
10.55 - 11.25 Prof. dr. Iris Goldner Lang, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law, University of Zagreb
'The justification paradigm in EU free movement law'
11.25 - 11.55 Prof. dr. René de Groot, Professor Emeritus of Comparative Law and Private International Law, Maastricht University
'The protection of regional and minority languages in cultural and economic activities'
11.55 - 12.15 Reflections and questions
Moderators: Prof. dr. Eleanor Spaventa, Professor of European Union Law, Bocconi University and Prof. dr. Leonie Cornips, Endowed Professor of Language Culture in Limburg, Maastricht University
12.15 - 13.00 Break
13.00 - 13.30 Dr. Matthias Zuβner, Post-doctoral researcher, Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
The protection of cultural diversity in the digital single market
13.30 - 14.00 Sabine Verheyen, Chair Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament
'Culture and the European Parliament'
14.00 - 14.30 Barbara Stacher, Senior Expert, Cultural policies, European Commission
'Cultural policies: An EU perspective'
14.30 - 14.50 Reflections and questions
Moderators: Prof. dr. Hildegard Schneider, Professor Emeritus of European Union Law, Maastricht University and Aurélie Villanueva, researcher European University Institute, Florence
14.50 - 15.00 Closing, Prof. dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers
16.00 Inauguration speech: De positie van cultuur in het recht van de Europese interne markt: Van correctie naar affectie tot essentie? by Prof. dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers

Prof. dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers

Prof. dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers is Endowed Professor of European Law, more specifically in the area of the 'culturally corrected market economy' at the Open Universiteit. She is also a senior lecturer at Universiteit Maastricht. With her research, Schoenmaekers aims to give an impulse to legal research on the relationship between culture (including language) and the free market in the European legal order. More information about the chair and Sarah Schoenmaekers can be read on the webpage European law, The Culturally Corrected Market Economy.

The chair is established in collaboration with the Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (ANV) and is supported by ANV-Tijmen Knecht-Fonds.