null Open University of the Netherlands goes to the European Parliament

Digital Learning
Open University of the Netherlands goes to the European Parliament
The Open University of the Netherlands has been asked to present the RAGE project on 20 and 21 November 2018 at a meeting of the European Parliament in Brussels. Together with 9 other projects, the RAGE project has been selected from hundreds of current research and innovation projects in the Horizon2020 Program of the European Commission. The theme of this meeting is 'Technology, Science and Arts for the good'. In organising this event, the European Parliament intends to draw attention to how multidisciplinary research can contribute to solving social problems.

Serious games are playing an important role in many areas, this includes education and training, health care and aging, inclusiveness, citizenship, innovation and the digital transformation. Research carried out in RAGE focuses on smart, reusable technologies for making serious games. This ensures that games not only more advanced, but it also makes their development more efficient and cheaper. With these new technologies, RAGE has also developed a number of serious games (on entrepreneurship and social skills) and has run successful tests with 1,500 participants. Game developers can download the technologies developed by RAGE and integrate them in their own games.

The RAGE project has already proved itself to be very successful. In 2017 RAGE was nominated and took part in the finals of the European Innovation Radar prize for promising 'Early stage innovations'. This year the European Commission has already recognised the RAGE project as one of the 'flagships' of Horizon2020.