null Researchers Welten Institute present paper at the 8th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference

Researchers Welten Institute present paper at the 8th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference

Learning analytics  - the collection and presentation of student statistics and study behavior - is moving out of the lab into the real world. This implies that success or failure must be judged not only on technical criteria, but also by their adoption and effectiveness in schools, universities and workplaces. Therefore this is the aspect this year’s Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) conference  focuses on. The conference will take place from 5 to 9 March 2018 in Sidney, Australia. The paper on setting up a Learning Analytics dashboard that Welten Institute researchers present at this conference is nominated as Best Full Research Paper. 

Learning analytics dashboard

A  tipical way to offer learning analytics to learners is through a dashboard. Such a tool delivers them figures about themselves, their learning activities and the learning activities of their fellow learners (peers). But how do you design and evaluate such a dashboard? Ioana Jivet, Maren Scheffel, Marcus Specht and Hendrik Drachsler, researchers at the Welten Institute investigated to what extent the theories and models of the educational sciences have been deployed in developing this kind of dashboard. They observe that this happens only to a very limited extent. Furthermore, they see that learners do not always view comparing with other learners (peers) as positive. Based on their research, the authors formulate a set of recommendations for the design and evaluation of learning analytics dashboards for learners.

More information

Ioana Jivet, Maren Scheffel, Marcus Specht, and Hendrik Drachsler. 2018. License to evaluate: Preparing learning analytics dashboards for educational practice. In Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Sydney, NSW, Australia, March 7–9, 2018 (LAK ’18), 10 pages. Download the preprint.

For more information about the LAK conference go to the conference site.