
Research team

These are the researchers of the programme Innovating for resilience. They form a multidiscplinary research group within the Open University, but they are also connected to a specific faculty or department as they contribute to the faculty's educational programme.

Assistant professors

Portretfoto Sibo Kanobana

Sibo Kanobana

Faculty of Humanities

Field of research:
sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, postcolonial studies, and cultural studies, with a focus on racialization and coloniality

Portretfoto Francois Molin

Francois Molin

Faculty of Educational Sciences
Department Social Learning

Research focus:
use of technology in education, formative assessment, teacher professionalisation, all with a focus on social learning.

Portretfoto Stijn Neuteleers

Stijn Neuteleers

Faculty of Science
Department Environmental Sciences

Fields of research:
environmental philosophy and ethics, ecological economics, political theory, philosophy of economics, science studies, environmental governance

Research focus:
justice and fairness; value pluralism and valuation; collective action problems; institutions and motivations; limits to markets

Portretfoto Alana Vandebeek

Alana Vandebeek

Faculty of Management
Department Marketing & Supply Chain Management

Research focus:
Diversity, faultlines and group dynamics in teams (TMT’s, boards of directors, marketing teams, employee teams, …) & family business research.

Portretfoto Christine van Vliet

Christine van Vliet

Faculty of Psychology

Research focus:
Behaviour change, technology (AI), health psychology


Portretfoto Karen Aduful

Karen Aduful

Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences, Humanity

Field of research:
Multidisciplinary research in Psychology, History, Cultural Studies and Educational Sciences

Playground Heroes: An educational program for primary school pupils to understand and recognize racism and to intervene in racist-based bullying situations

Portretfoto Maria Arredondo

Maria Arredondo

Faculty of Science (dept environmental sciences) and Faculty of Management

Field of research:
Environmental sciences, sociology

Better tools, less conflicts: Value pluralism and social learning for better biodiversity decisions

Portretfoto Morgane Batkai

Morgane Batkai

Faculty of Sciences (environmental sciences) and Management

Field of research:
Sociology, Cultural Studies, Food Politics

Social learning and the climate crisis: Small-scale food production as an inspiration for a sustainable global food supply chain

Portretfoto Marlie van Buchem

Marlie van Bruchem

Faculty of Psychology

Field of research:
Sociology, criminology, psychology

Toward a safe and resilient city:
Investigating the dynamics of police-bystander conflicts using advanced technologies

Portretfoto Tim Debets

Tim Debets

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Field of research:
Educational sciences / Artificial Intelligence

Help! How do I study effectively?

Main topic of the project:
Developing a chatbot for OU students to teach them about effective learning strategies and how to apply these strategies.

Portretfoto Sjuul Derkx

Sjuul Derkx

Faculty of Management, Science, Psychology & Educational Sciences

Field of research:
Finance, psychology

Improving financial literacy among small business owners


Judith Engels

Faculty of Psychology, Department Work & Organizational Psychology

Field of research:
Technology use, technostress, mental health, work behavior

Smart Technology Use for Resilient Healthcare: Developing an Intervention Toolbox to Stimulate Smart Use of Electronic Health Records in Hospitals Using a Multidisciplinary Approach

Portretfoto Andrienne Kerckhoffs

Andrienne Kerckhoffs

Faculty of Educational Sciences
Department Online Learning and Instruction

Field of research:
Mulutimedia testing

Innovating digital assessment: good use of multimedia

Portretfoto Tessi Hengst

Tessi Hengst

Faculty of Psychology
Department : Health psychology

Field of research:
Health psychology

Adoption of Digital Communication Technology by vulnerable citizens in urban areas

Portretfoto Sya Hoeke

Sya Hoeke

Faculty of Science
Department Environmental Sciences

Field of research:
Environmental Sciences

Minimizing the environmental impact of (micro)plastics by integrated modelling of supply and source-to-impact chains

Main topic of the project:
Developing an location-specific approach in dialogue with stakeholders that can support the prioritization of mitigation measures for reducing microplastic pollution; first case study: car tires.

Portretfoto Sara Nodehi

Sara Nodehi

Faculty of Science and
Faculty of Management

Field of research:
Digital transformation, Business/IT alignment, IT governance

Resilient Information Security Governance & Management

Portretfoto Krist Shingjergji

Krist Shingjergji

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Field of research:
Articifial Intelligence, Technology enhanced learning

Sense the classroom: AI-supported synchronous online education for a resilient new normal

Main topic of the project:
Combine educational technologies, information systems, and AI in order to develop a tool that recognizes non-verbal signals and gives a cue to teacher and student in an actionable way so that they can improve the learning process.

Portretfoto Carmen Verhoeven

Carmen Verhoeven

Faculty of Humanities

Field of research:
a combination of cultural studies, HRM and psychology

Burnout’s Lessons in Resilience and Sustainable Development from a Multidisciplinary Perspective

Portretfoto Bea Waelbers

Bea Waelbers

Faculty of Management and Faculty of Science

Field of research: Combination of computing science, psychology and management

Project: ISI – Interpersonal Stress Intervention with AI

Main topic of the project:
Emotion and stress detection in customer and call center agents based on speech signals