null Honorary doctorate for pioneer of European privacy law Michal Bobek

Honorary doctorate for pioneer of European privacy law Michal Bobek
The Open Universiteit in the Netherlands has awarded an honorary doctorate to Czech legal scholar prof. dr. Michal Bobek, former advocate general at the Court of Justice of the European Union and currently judge at the Czech Supreme Administrative Court and a visiting professor at various universities in Europe. In a relatively short time, he made an important contribution to the development of privacy and data protection law in the European Union. As advocate general, Michal Bobek made a lasting impact on data protection law with his opinions, for example in the Facebook case. The honorary doctorate will be awarded on Friday 23 September 2022 during the celebration of the dies natalis of the Open Universiteit.


Michal Bobek's opinions in various European court cases concerning the relationship of national supervisors in cross-border cases have been groundbreaking and guiding. Prior to his work at the European Court of Justice, Michal Bobek made a major contribution to science with his reflections on, for example, the selection of judges and the use of international legal sources by judges.


Rector magnificus prof. dr. Theo Bastiaens: 'With this honorary doctorate, the Open Universiteit wishes to express its recognition of his outstanding contribution to science and society, and the way in which Michal Bobek succeeds in reducing complex legal material to its essence. He takes the reader along in small steps towards his answer to the legal question, with the necessary nuance and critical reflection. This makes his conclusions highly suitable for the teaching of data protection law. They captivate both the legal novice and the expert in this field.'


The honorary doctorate will be awarded during the celebration of the 38th dies natalis of the Open Universiteit on Friday 23 September 2022 in Heerlen. Honorary supervisor is professor Anna Berlee, professor of Data Protection and Privacy Law.