null Helping police officers in sexual abuse crimes - Portuguese police training school takes part in trials of RAGE games and game components

Digital Learning
Helping police officers in sexual abuse crimes - Portuguese police training school takes part in trials of RAGE games and game components
Sexual offences, and particularly those linked to violent crimes involving sexual abuse, are a particular challenge for working police officers when it comes to both interviewing victims and interrogating offenders. In order to tackle this challenge, the Portuguese Escola de Policia Judiciaria is training more than 2000 officers across the country in interview techniques that can be used with both groups. Part of this training is now being delivered with the help of an applied game created with the RAGE team called “Interview Skills for Police Officers” (ISPO). The main goal of this game is to train police officers in fact-finding communication skills using simulation scenarios.

About RAGE

RAGE - Realising an Applied Gaming Ecosystem - is a technology and knowledge transfer project, cofinanced by the EU in the H2020 programme for research and innovation. RAGE develops reusable software components that allows for easier, faster and more cost efective production of serious games. The RAGE project website features over 30 components that each developer of serious games can use. The Welten Institute of the Open Universiteit leads the project. Find out more about the Rage project and by following our Twitter account@RageAppliedGame.