null Call for papers: Teaching and Learning Archaeology with Digital Tools


Call for papers: Teaching and Learning Archaeology with Digital Tools

Vanuit ons Erasmus+ project Virtual worlds in Teaching Archaeology organiseren we samen met anderen de session #657 over Teaching and Learning Archaelogy with Digital Tools van het programma van de Conferentie EAA2024 van de European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) in augustus 2024 in Rome (Italië).


Hoewel de conferentie specifiek voor Archeologen is bedoeld, gaat deze sessie vooral over innovaties in het onderwijs (van kleuterschool tot universiteit) en dan met name hoe we 3D en virtual reality kunnen inzetten in het onderwijs en geschikte didactische scenario’s kunnen ontwikkelen. Leren en onderwijzen over onze historie vraagt om activerende werkvormen en didactische principes die lerenden motiveren en stimuleren. Technologie zoals 3D en virtual reality bieden hiertoe goede mogelijkheden.

Call for papers

We nodigen je uit om een paper in te dienen over theoretische, technische en/of praktijkgerichte initiatieven over onderzoek, onderwijs of leren van archeologie en onze historie met digitale hulpmiddelen zoals 3D en VR of over de toepasbaarheid van diverse vormen van didactiek en uitlevervormen van onderwijs zoals digitaal/online, hybride en of regulier onderwijs.

De organisatie is in handen van:
- Jitte Waagen, Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Clara Masriera Esquerra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spanje
- Stefan Feuser, University of Bonn, Duitsland
- Gustav Wollentz Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning and Creativity AB, Zweden
- Hayley Mickleburgh, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

De deadline voor indienen van papers is 8 februari 2024.

Lees hieronder de tekst in het Engels / Read the newsarticle in English below

The Erasmus+ project Virtual Worlds in Teaching Archaeology co-organises the session #657 for the Conference EAA2024 of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) in August 2024 in Rome (Italy). In this session #657 we focus on archaeology, education (from pre-school to universities) and digital methods for teaching.

Educational innovations

As the past is an abstract concept, teaching and learning about the past can be challenging. Various perspectives on the past, as opposed to presenting it as straightforward reconstruction as a result of a set of facts, events, characters and dates, must be stimulated by providing tools that cater for critical evaluation. Such tools should allow for inquiry, problem solving and debating enigmas considering didactic principles, such as that of the 'hands on, minds on, hearts on' perspective. This requires activating methodologies for teaching and learning, for which digital technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) are often suitable.

Local initiatives on digital methods used for research and teaching in higher education have emerged in several European locations, incorporating cutting-edge 3D and VR technologies. Despite this, there has been a lack of cohesion and cross-linking of knowledge and experiences between these initiatives, meaning that synergistic opportunities are not explored, and local initiatives are unable to make a greater impact.

Call for papers

In this session, we would like to invite papers on theoretical, technical and practical initiatives developed around the idea of teaching, learning and researching the past using digital tools (i.e. VR), and of exploring the relationship between digital/hybrid and analogue pedagogy in archaeological education.

- Jitte Waagen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Clara Masriera Esquerra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
- Stefan Feuser, University of Bonn, Germany
- Gustav Wollentz Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning and Creativity AB, Sweden
- Hayley Mickleburgh, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Deadline for submission of papers is 8 February 2024.