null Paper 'A Maturity model for hospital information systems' published

Paper 'A Maturity model for hospital information systems' published
The January 2019 issue of the Journal of Business Research publishes a paper from dr. Rogier van de Wetering from the Faculty of Management, Science & Technology and colleagues from Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. The paper 'A Maturity model for hospital information systems' is now available as a free download.

About the paper

In the last five decades, maturity models have been introduced as guides and reference frameworks for information system (IS) management in organizations within different industries and sectors.

In the healthcare domain, maturity models have also been used to address a wide variety of challenges, complexities and the high demand for hospital IS (HIS) implementations.

The present paper describes a research project focused on the development of a comprehensive maturity model applied in the HIS context. The outcome of this research is the HIS maturity model (hereafter referred to as HISMM), which includes six stages of HIS growth and maturity progression. The HISMM has the peculiarity of congregating a set of key maturity-influencing factors and respective characteristics, enabling not only the assessment of the global maturity of a HIS but also the individual maturity of its different dimensions.


Download the paper A Maturity model for hospital information systems.