null Honorary doctorate for sustainable finance authority Alex Edmans


Honorary doctorate for sustainable finance authority Alex Edmans

In the Netherlands the Open Universiteit is awarding an honorary doctorate to Alex Edmans, professor of Finance at the London Business School, for his outstanding achievements as a connector between science and society. Edmans is regarded worldwide as the scientific leader in the field of sustainable finance. His research shows that corporate social responsibility is a prerequisite for long-term financial success. He frequently won teaching awards and enjoys sharing his scientific insights with a wide audience. The honorary doctorate will be conferred during the celebration of the Open Universiteit’s dies natalis on Thursday 21 September 2023.


In addition to his professorship, Alex Edmans' other positions include director of the American Finance Association and director of The Investor Forum. From 2017 until 2022, he was managing editor of the Review of Finance, the leading academic finance journal in Europe. Edmans published many inspiring academic contributions in the fields of purposeful business, sustainable investing, corporate governance and behavioural finance.

He also disseminates his knowledge to a wide audience with fervour. His TED talks have been viewed millions of times, he spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos and testified at the British Parliament. His book 'Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit' was elected as a Financial Times Book of the Year in 2020.

First honorary doctorate

Edmans already received several international honours and awards for his work. From the Open Universiteit Alex Edmans will receive his first honorary doctorate. Rector magnificus Theo Bastiaens: 'We are proud to honour professor Edmans during our dies natalis. The social relevance of Edmans' research and the energy he displays in sharing his findings with a wide audience are a true source of inspiration. His ideas on sustainable finance emphasize the importance for companies to take good care of our society and planet. Additionally he offers practical guidelines for solving sustainability and responsibility issues in business. That can only deserve appreciation.'


The honorary doctorate will be presented during the celebration of the 39th dies natalis of the Open Universiteit on Thursday 21 September 2023 in Heerlen, the Netherlands. Honorary supervisor is Dennis Bams, professor of Financial Risk Management at the Faculty of Management Sciences.